January 2021
Benefit Funds Launch COVID-19 Vaccine Education Campaign
As the COVID-19 vaccines continue to be administered to frontline healthcare workers, the Benefit Funds, together with the Union, are keeping your 1199SEIU employees and members informed in support of the vaccination efforts. The Benefit Funds have created a COVID-19 vaccine FAQ on their website, which addresses common concerns and is updated regularly. Members may also email questions to the Benefit Funds' Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Van H. Dunn, at [email protected], and the Benefit Funds have included information about the vaccines' safety, effectiveness and approval process in the Winter issue of the For Your Benefit member magazine. In addition, the Union has been conducting Tele-Town Halls, and Dr. Dunn has been hosting webinars to answer questions about the vaccine.

While the federal government is providing the vaccine free of charge, the Benefit Funds will cover the costs associated with administering it for your 1199SEIU employees and members, and will work with pharmacies that are participating in the effort to administer the vaccine to workers at long-term care facilities.

Training and Employment Funds Host Webinar on New York Nursing Homes and the COVID-19 Vaccine
As part of a joint education campaign of the 1199SEIU Funds and 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East, the 1199SEIU Training and Employment Funds (TEF) held a "New York Nursing Homes and the COVID-19 Vaccine: Get the Facts" webinar on December 16. The webinar was co-sponsored by the 1199SEIU National and Greater New York Benefit Funds, 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East, the League of Voluntary Hospitals and Homes of New York (LVHH), the Greater New York Health Care Facilities Association (GNYHCFA), the New York State Healthcare Facilities Association/New York State Center for Assisted Living, the Southern New York Association, and the Continuing Care Leadership Coalition, with almost 400 people participating, including long-term care facility administrators, and 1199SEIU members, delegates and staff. The presentations focused on the safety of the vaccines, federal and state distribution plans for long-term care facilities in downstate New York, and safe and efficient COVID-19 vaccination processes at the facility level. Panelists included Dr. Nimalie Stone, Medical Epidemiologist for Long-term Care, Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Loretta Santilli, Director of the Office of Public Health Practice, New York State Department of Health; Dr. Martin Grossman, Chief Medical Officer, Citadel Heath; and Dr. Van H. Dunn, Chief Medical Officer of the Benefit Funds. Other speakers included Milly Silva, Executive Vice President, 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East; Marc Kramer, President, LVHH; and Michael Balboni, Executive Director, GNYHCFA. The webinar is available on the 1199SEIU Funds websiteTEF will continue to host vaccine-related webinars, including an "Interdisciplinary Informational Symposium on the COVID-19 Vaccine" webinar on January 24. For more information, email [email protected].
Child Care Corporation Holds Virtual Parent Seminars for Sleep-Away Camp Program
The 1199SEIU/Employer Child Care Corporation held its first virtual parent seminar for its Anne Shore Sleep-Away Camp Program on November 4, optimistic that camps will be able to operate in summer 2021. Conducted online via Zoom, the seminar was hosted by staff members and a representative from the American Camp Association, who shared their knowledge about sleep-away camps and answered parents' questions. The next virtual parent seminar will take place on Tuesday, January 19.

The Anne Shore Sleep-Away Camp Program offers 9- to 15-year-old children a wide range of two- to four-week summer sleep-away camps throughout the Northeast. Diverse offerings include camps that emphasize athletics, fine arts, technology and outdoor adventure, as well as traditional camp experiences and those for children with special needs. For more information, email [email protected].
In This Issue
Benefit Funds Launch COVID-19 Vaccine Education Campaign
Training and Employment Funds Host Webinar on New York Nursing Homes and the COVID-19 Vaccine
Child Care Corporation Holds Virtual Parent Seminars for Sleep-Away Camp Program

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1199SEIU Funds News is a monthly email produced by the 1199SEIU Funds. Copyright 2021.
For further information, contact the Communications Office at [email protected].
1199SEIU Benefit and Pension Funds, 498 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10018