Message From the Executive Director and CEO, Spring 2024

Dear 1199SEIU Members,

A year can go by in the blink of an eye. That’s how long we’ve been talking about our health journeys together and what a year it has been! It seems like just yesterday when we asked you to tell us why living a healthier life is important to you. So many of you stepped up to share your stories, it motivated us to start our Members’ Voices video series. I have been so personally inspired by you. Part of the reason this conversation means so much to me is because I believe it’s necessary to change the way we think about our health.

Lately, much of the conversation has turned to self-care and lifestyle medicine as important parts of preventive healthcare. As 1199ers, we haven’t just been talking about it; we have been living it. Like many of you, my journey includes eating healthier foods, moving more, getting enough sleep and managing my stress levels. And most of us agree—it’s not always easy.

Here at the Benefit Funds, we continue to build partnerships to support you in making the small changes that can make a big difference in your quality of life. In this issue of For Your Benefit, you’ll hear about our nutrition and movement workshops. You’ll also find information about the many other webinars and classes we offer, so you can connect with one another and take those important next steps on your health journeys.

It seems like just yesterday when we asked you to tell us why living a healthier life is important to you. So many of you stepped up to share your stories, it motivated us to start our Members’ Voices video series. I have been so personally inspired by you.

I hope you’ll take a moment to read an update about 1199er Sharese Welch, who was featured in the Fall 2023 issue of our magazine. And I know you’ll be inspired by Sofia Espinoza, another 1199er whose love for her family keeps her motivated to care for her own health. We are so grateful to the many members who have come forward to share their time and their stories. And I look forward to hearing from even more of you!

Finally, I’m really excited to unveil that we now have our own 1199SEIU Benefit and Pension Funds YouTube channel. You can find out about this and so much more inside this For Your Benefit magazine, so I encourage you to check it out!

In good health,

Donna Rey, EdD
Executive Director, 1199SEIU Benefit and Pension Funds
CEO, 1199SEIU Funds Administrative Operations

WHY are you taking your health journey?

Visit members' voices page to let us know and we’ll send you a limited-edition Health Is the Key t-shirt, created to celebrate our podcast launch!